In the expansive world of Palworld, filled with adventure, exploration, and resource collection, stumbling upon high-tier treasure chests can be an exhilarating experience. However, the excitement may quickly dissipate if you find yourself lacking the necessary keys to unlock these tantalizing chests. Fear not, as we’ll delve into the secrets of obtaining Silver and Copper Keys, essential for cracking open those coveted chests.

Understanding Key Types

Before delving into acquisition methods, it’s crucial to understand the distinct types of keys in Palworld:

  1. Copper Keys: Relatively easier to obtain compared to Gold Keys, Copper Keys are commonly found in raids and even inside common chests scattered throughout the world.
  2. Silver Keys: Slightly more elusive, Silver Keys can be acquired by defeating specific types of Pals known as Leezpunk Ignis, predominantly found in the volcanic region’s western side.
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Methods of Obtaining Keys

  1. Defeating Raids and Leezpunk Pals:
    • Raid Battles: Successfully fend off raids on your base, particularly those involving Leezpunk Pals. These dark-type Pals are common assailants and defeating them increases your chances of obtaining both Copper and Silver Keys.
    • Leezpunk Ignis Hunt: To specifically target Silver Keys, embark on a hunt for Leezpunk Ignis. These Pals roam the volcanic region’s western side, especially near the coast. Be prepared with heat-resistant armor before engaging them, as they pose a formidable challenge. While Leezpunk Ignis doesn’t drop Copper Keys, they have a higher likelihood of dropping Silver Keys when captured or defeated.
  2. Exploration and Chest Hunting:
    • Common Chests: Paradoxically, Copper Keys can also be found inside common chests scattered throughout the world. Keep an eye out for these chests during your explorations, as they may contain valuable keys alongside other loot.

Maximizing Your Rewards

Any chest requiring a key holds significantly better rewards than those without. Therefore, stocking up on keys before embarking on exploration expeditions is highly advisable. By diligently collecting Copper and Silver Keys through raids, Pal battles, and chest hunting, you can ensure that no valuable loot remains unclaimed in the vast world of Palworld.

In conclusion, by mastering the art of obtaining Silver and Copper Keys, you’ll unlock access to a wealth of treasures waiting to be discovered within Palworld’s mysterious chests. Happy hunting, and may your adventures be fruitful!


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